If you want peace, teach children
The harvest for the hope
From 1994 through year 2000
The goal is to get the maximum number of handprints containing messages from all over the world. These handprints will be subject to two shows, one in Bruxelle, and the other one in Paris in the headquarter of UNISCO.
The trip for the hope
UNISCO in Paris and l’ONU in New York will show selected handprints to generate Peace Messages. UNISCO and ONU will take the occasion to fixe a “peace day” that will be recognized and enjoyed threw out the world.
The wall of the hope
The handprints will cover public walls in Bruxelle and elsewhere in the world. In Bruxelle a bus was decorated with handprints created by children from the area. The Lemonnier station also used handprints to cover 600 meters square of wall. The same project may be done on buildings and prisons.
La Ronde de l’espoir
In year 2001 all handprint will be used for the communication of those who participated in the project.